... then you just might be ready to read
a book like this.
After an encounter with her mentor, an eminent Thoreau scholar, eleven days after his death, in The Thoreau Whisperer, Cathryn McIntyre finds she must hone her psychic abilities, set her doubts aside and accept the role she was destined to play in a remarkable collaboration that allows the words of Henry David Thoreau to be heard once
again in our time.
Henry David Thoreau was a 19th century American writer and philosopher who lived his life in Concord, Massachusetts, the town where he was born on July 12, 1817. He wrote several books and essays during his lifetime but is best known for his book, Walden and for his essay known as Civil Disobedience. His simple manner of living that he wrote about in Walden and his plea in defense of the rights of man have influenced millions. So why return now? What more could he have to say?
Cathryn McIntyre had just moved to Massachusetts in 1984 when she first encountered a spirit during a psychic reading at a home near Walden Pond who said he wanted to work with her. It would be decades before she would understand who that spirit was and why it was that she had always felt so drawn to the Boston area and to Concord in particular.
During those years, mostly spent living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, she discovered astrology and pursued it with a passion; she learned to meditate and investigated such topics as reincarnation, the near death experience (NDE), out of body experience (OBE) and the alien abduction phenomenon. She also visited psychics and mediums as she began to come to terms with her own psychic and clairvoyant abilities and to better understand the so-called paranormal experiences she had been having all of her life.
McIntyre also read extensively during those years about the literary history of Concord, Massachusetts, home of authors, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Louisa May Alcott and Henry David Thoreau. She could not get enough of the stories of their lives in Concord in the mid-19th century. There was something about those people and that time and place that were drawing her there but it wouldn't be until 1998 when she would finally move to Concord herself. She wrote about her first year there in her book, Honor in Concord, a book that ends with her "escaping" Concord, having not yet realized the importance of her being there. In The Thoreau Whisperer she writes about the extraordinary experience she soon found herself caught up in when she returned to the Concord area six years later.
McIntyre joined The Thoreau Society around 2000 and it was during one of their annual gatherings in Concord that she met a man who became her mentor. He was a well respected independent scholar of Thoreau who was famous for having edited and published Thoreau’s unfinished manuscripts. 11 days after his sudden death in January 2006 (and before learning of his death in any conventional way) McIntyre saw and spoke to this man in her apartment in Cambridge. Two days later she was told by the professional psychic she had sought out to help her to connect with him that not only would he continue to work with her through spirit but that soon, Thoreau would begin working with her, too. On a Sunday in November of 2006, McIntyre's connection with Thoreau began with the words,
"I am born, David Henry Thoreau, in this American town, in this place called Concord."
McIntyre shares her story and the words she received from the spirit of Thoreau in a most beautiful and inspiring way in her book, The Thoreau Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau.
“The experience is one of loss, losing part of yourself in an effort to entertain yourself, losing what is the purity and function of your wise mind.” from The Thoreau Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre
“It is by strengthening your ties to the knowledge within you that you will begin to see and identify truth in all things.” from The Thoreau Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre
“It was not that it was so far from society, but any distance is far enough if you have established a private area about yourself, where you can withdraw and reexamine yourself, and that is what I did there.” from The Thoreau Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre
“Each of us is an integral part of the whole, and none should disrespect the actions of another, as long as they are right action, action that springs from the higher source.” The Thoreau Whisperer
by Cathryn McIntyre
“It is clear that I touched upon truth when I directed them toward the inner silence, toward their own inner knowing. That truth is what attracts and calls to people. It is the home they are longing for. ” from The Thoreau Whisperer
by Cathryn McIntyre
“It is in the place of the wise silence that truth is revealed. Meditators sit for hours with closed eyes attempting to reach that place. It is there for all if only they can settle their minds long enough to reach it. It is warm and bright and brilliant, it is all things and all things are it. In the place of the wise silence peace, integrity and truth exists.” from The Thoreau Whisperer
by Cathryn McIntyre
“…a deep and intimate exploration of Thoreau’s spirituality.”
Moon Laramie, Author, The Spirit of Garbo (Amazon U.K.)
“…an enlightening read that makes for an educational and spiritual journey into the afterlife.” Deborah Beauvais, DreamVisions 7 Radio, (Amazon)
“A truly mesmerizing literary experience. Perfectly edited and formatted with a smooth flow.” S. Warner (Barnes & Noble) Thoreau Whisperer
“Deep, complex and insightful, well-written, and well put together, …”
S. Beacher (Barnes & Noble)
"...a beautifully uplifting book with a powerful, positive message throughout."
Steph Coleman, Goodreads
" A nice balance of spiritual discovery, candid insight, and literary analysis. Amazing!”
K. Matthews, Goodreads
The Thoreau Whisperer is a deep and intimate exploration of Thoreau’s spirituality. Added to this Cathryn McIntyre’s elegant prose gives power to the heartfelt story of her personal journey in writing this book. The book is organized into different themes and this makes it highly accessible to any reader who, like me, is new to the life and ideas of Thoreau.
The book reveals Thoreau’s appetite for the spiritual, higher love between human beings as well as his connection with nature and recognition of the divine spark within all sentient life.
Thoreau describes how his time at Walden pond allowed him to reach deep within himself and to understand the spiritual nature within each human being that is essentially greater than the mere physical body.
Through McIntyre, Thoreau comments on current issues relating to religion, terrorism and the media. His criticism of modern media and society’s addiction to materialism is particularly poignant: ‘The experience is one of loss, losing part of yourself in an effort to entertain yourself, losing what is the purity and function of your wise mind.’
An inspiring book I thoroughly recommend.
Moon Laramie,
Author, Spirit of Garbo
Amazon U.K.
The Thoreau Whisper, Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau by author Cathryn McIntyre is a special gift for us to learn more about the mysterious yet wonderful life of Henry David Thoreau. Initially questioning why Thoreau chose her, Cathryn learns much about herself as she channels Thoreau’s word and thoughts. I sense it was a coming home for Cathryn. Thoreau speaks of both the early day, and then how a kind black man as President inspired him in 2008.
If one has questions on Thoreau’s life works and additionally wonders if there is life after death this book offers much insight. Thoreau’s spirit is so comfortable; he even joins a meeting Cathryn creates to share her channeling experiences. Surprisingly, or not…one of the guests actually sees Thoreau's energy image in the room.
The Thoreau Whisperer is an enlightening read that makes for an educational and spiritual journey into the afterlife.
Deborah Beauvais
DreamVisions 7 Radio Network
I admit I started reading “The Thoreau Whisperer” with a fair bit of skepticism as I’m not usually one to read these types of books, but I love Thoreau and was curious what this book may say. Happily enough, I found the engaging narrative to be quite compelling and down-to-earth (despite emanating from a ‘spirit’ who is no longer of this Earth!) and just loaded with authenticity and details of Thoreau’s life that give it the feel of a nonfiction biography, as well as a memoir of the author’s experience and background. The candid, intimate feel made it seem like they were talking to me personally at times -- I’m not sure if I totally agree with ALL of it, but that’s okay. I still got a lot out of it and really enjoy the author’s writing -- makes her points, and relate her ideas (and Thoreau’s) in ways that we all can fully and easily understand. I like that it alternates throughout, so it’s not too much of one or the other. Deep, complex and insightful, well-written, and well put together, and I actually feel like I learned a lot. A book that challenges you to see beyond the physical and into something deeper and greater than ourselves. Recommend.
Stephan Beacher, Goodreads;
Barnes & Noble
What a beautifully uplifting book with a powerful, positive message throughout. It is amazing just reading of Cathryn McIntyre’s experiences with channeling Thoreau – her background, her passion, the events that shaped the circumstances (her mentor and his passing), how her writing switched from being written by her to being written by someone… something… else entirely. These words reveal profound observations on life that can teach us all something. I like how easy it is to read and how well Cathryn explains everything how it happens, including her self-awareness on the controversial nature of this book. She shares her background and own personal experiences especially with regards to her connection with Thoreau and Concord, her mentor as well as being someone with psychic abilities. I myself believed every word, and more importantly I believed that Cathryn believed it – this isn’t some gimmicky fiction created to try to sell books for a quick buck. Those who don’t believe in psychics, mediums, spirits – they will have a tough time with this one, obviously (as they would most books on this topic, I suspect). But for those willing to engage in an open-minded, open-hearted exploration of things that cannot be ‘seen’ or ‘proven’ with our eyes or with science, and even if you aren’t that familiar with Thoreau, will benefit greatly from reading this remarkable book. Flawless presentation all around, from the formatting and editing and content, and obviously very well-researched and documented.
Definitely recommend.
Steph Coleman, Goodreads
How to describe this book by Cathryn McIntyre, other than say it is by far one of the most interesting and unique books I’ve read in a long time! Although it is a more of a ‘true-story memoir/biography’, it reads as riveting as a fiction novel…I’ve never read anything about channeling spirits before, and before reading this I’d probably say that I didn’t really believe that is something that could be done. But after reading this book… I can’t swear on anything, but it really genuinely seems like something extraordinary is happening here!! Regardless if it was all a ‘true experience’ or not, I’ve always had a fondness for Thoreau – I’m certainly no expert, but I liked the guy’s style and he has some great ideas and writings. I am always interested in learning more things about influential people and it seemed like Ms. McIntyre might have some scholarly and personal insight into his life… and I was not disappointed! This is one fascinating ride into the author’s unusual and ultimately inspiring experience with her ‘visits’ from Thoreau and writing his story from his point of view, using his own voice and words. A truly mesmerizing literary experience. Perfectly edited and formatted with a smooth flow. Highly recommend. Sherrie Warner, Reviewer,
Barnes & Noble & Goodreads
I’m not normally one for these types of books, I’ll just say that up front. I consider myself more of a ‘rational, logical’ thinker than an emotional or spiritual one, so I wasn’t really sure this would be my thing. But from the onset Cathryn McIntyre invites us into her life in a way that demands our attention and respect. I admire not only her candor and humility with her unique circumstances, but her talent in expressing her views, Thoreau’s, and additional biographical research and findings and crafting it all a way that is readable and entertaining, even while discussing some pretty surreal
subject matters. Even if you don’t agree/believe in spirits or psychics, it is hard to deny that this is a compelling and well-written book that covers some pretty impressive territory in giving insight and inspiration into his life. I must have highlighted a dozen or two lines and passages – like “All who ever were still are and always will be”. A nice balance of spiritual discovery, candid insight, and literary analysis. Amazing!”
K. Matthews, Goodreads
“Cathryn McIntyre’s elegant prose gives power to the heartfelt story of her personal journey in writing this book.” Moon Laramie, Author, Spirit of Garbo (Amazon UK)
“She is an important voice into a modern understanding of Thoreau’s teachings.”
L. Grasso (Amazon)
“Cathryn McIntyre invites us into her life in a way that
demands our attention and respect.”
K. Matthews (Goodreads)
“She is, by far, the bravest author I’ve ever read.”
D. Beers, Author, Back To The Present (Amazon)
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
JUNE 29, 2021
MAY 12, 2019
APRIL 1, 2020
APRIL 17, 2020
MAY 21, 2019
June 14, 2018
SEPTEMBER 18, 2018
MARCH and APRIL, 2019
AUGUST 22, 2019
MARCH 4, 2019
JANUARY 22, 2019
DECEMBER 11, 2018
HOST: Deborah Beauvais
JANUARY 30, 2018
JUNE 21, 2018
Cathryn McIntyre's blog containing the information she received from spirit about a haunting at an Inn in Boothbay Harbor, Maine was investigated and proven by author, Greg Latimer, who wrote about the experience in his book, Ghosts of the Boothbay Region. Check out her blog about this and other haunted happenings in Concord, MA on our other website: www.theconcordwriter.com
Paranormal Underground
featured an interview with
Cathryn McIntyre as their
Psychic Spotlight
in their October 2018 issue.
You can read it in full on
The Concord Writer website. www.theconcordwriter.com
Ronny LeBlanc, author, and star of the Travel Channel's Expedition Bigfoot, included an interview with Cathryn McIntyre in the latest of his Monsterland series of books about unusual happenings in and around Leominster State Forest in
Leominster, Massachusetts.
Those reports include sightings of UFOs and Bigfoot in the area.
Ronny LeBlanc, author, and star of the Travel Channel's Expedition Bigfoot, included an interview with Cathryn McIntyre in the latest of his Monsterland series of books about unusual happenings in and around Leominster State Forest in
Leominster, Massachusetts.
Those reports include sightings of UFOs and Bigfoot in the area.
Monsterland: Shamans, Sasquatch, Synchronicity and High Strangeness
by Ronny LeBlanc
and to experience something wonderful...
then you are ready to read this book !
* * *
The Thoreau Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit
of Henry David Thoreau by Cathryn McIntyre
is available in paperback or E-book from Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and other internet booksellers.
It can also be purchased through
your favorite local bookstore.
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